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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 30 Becoming A’Arāb after Hijrat What does ‘becoming A’arāb after Hijrat’ mean?

What does ‘becoming A’arāb after Hijrat’ mean?

What does ‘becoming A’arāb after Hijrat’ mean?

A’arāb refers to the nomadic Arabs or Bedouins who are absolutely ignorant of religion and rituals connected with faith. Hijrat signifies the migration of these desert Arabs to the Muslim centre, their acceptance of Islam at the hands of the Holy Prophet (S) or his rightful successor, and their consequent adherence to faith, and adherence to religious rules and regulations.

Becoming A’arāb after Hijrat is the condition when a desert Bedouin before acquiring the necessary knowledge of religion turns back to his ignorant ways.

In the early period of Islam it was incumbent upon them to migrate towards the Holy Prophet (S) in order to learn whatever was necessary for being a Muslim. Similarly it was prohibited for Muslims to stay in an area populated mostly with unbelievers; where it was not possible for them to pray and fast and perform other religious duties.


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